Sunday, September 4, 2011


This composite photo is from the same perspective as the photo that is the header for this blog.   The lake is nearly gone.... only inches of water remain.   Rapidly engulfing its edges are grasses of many descriptions.  The ground is soft, indeed it will not support any significant weight - anything / person that tries to walk to water's edge will be consumed by the soft, water soaked mud.   But 25 feet out, where the heat and sun has dried the earth, a trail exist.  Made by feral hogs, deer and people frustrated that they cannot reach the water.

AS one walks on grassy pastures, you feel the 'crunch' of dried grass.   AS we dive into the woods, the forest floor is thick with brown leaves from the dying trees / trees under stress.  It is as if walking in the wood in late fall -- but this is late summer.

Our place has two 'natural' sources of water. The lake (above) and this pond.  Both are fed by springs.    This pond's spring stopped 2 months ago, and nothing but hard, cracked, cooked mud remains.

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